About the Girl…

Hai! I’m Carmen… the “Girl.”

I am… a momma, certified trauma-informed life coach specializing in narcissistic abuse recovery, 2x Amazon best selling author, religious education teacher, wannabe foodie… and YOUR biggest fan!

I initially got on the internet in 1996 as an internet marketer… my side-hustle as I completed my education and training in the field of mental health.

Then a baby… move across the country… divorce… and several moons later, I began sharing food pix on social media. It was my genius son (the “baby”… now studying to be a surgeon) who suggested I create a food blog…

20 minutes later, Girl Plus Food was born!

Girl Plus Food is a food blog, created & maintained by me, Carmen Sakurai. This is where I document the recipes I’ve tried and fallen madly in love with… and to be honest, I still refer back to this blog for ideas and help when my brain needs a break!

I don’t work here… I’m just here to eat

This website and all associated social media accounts exist purely for FUN. Unlike the thousands of ah-mazing food bloggers out there, I don’t do this as a “job”.  And being that my attention is focused on very dark issues for a good chunk of my every day, eating and cooking helps me stay somewhat sane.

Of course, you’re welcome to join in and try the recipes I share… give the products and services I review a good spin… and ask questions / leave constructive feedback in the comments!


My iPhone makes an appearance whenever there’s pretty food… and good food (that may not look all that pretty) on the table. I don’t own a “real” camera so you can assume there are NO professional food pix on this blog.

That said, if you want to use any of my photos, please contact me first instead of just saving it and sharing it as your own. Because that’s just rude and tacky.


I’m not a health blogger, clean eater, nor am I familiar with ingredients that “shouldn’t” be in certain products. I’ve never counted calories, purchased anything low-fat, low-sodium, or sugar-free… and I’m just learning what gluten-free is… so keep that in mind.

Professionalities (I totally made that word up!):

Carmen is the Founder of Carmen Sakurai, Int’l, with a BSc in Psychology and Certified Practitioner of several styles of psychotherapy including Cognitive Behavioral Life Coaching, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Gestalt Life Coaching, as well as Mental and Behavioral Health Studies with focus on Stress Management, Burnout Prevention, Depression, and Suicide/Violent Behavior.

As a Certified Digital Coach, she has demonstrated her ability to effectively communicate and successfully serve her clients via digital platform.

Her articles can be found on popular websites including Psych Central, Today.com, Thrive Global, Ricky Martin’s Piccolo Universe, SheKnows, Lifehack, and Thought Catalog.

Carmen is an advocate for victims of narcissistic abuse.

I hope you find something worth getting addicted to!


